
Published on:

8th May 2024

BREADCRUMBS – Bad Dates After Hours

What's the worst date you've ever been on? Nothing can be worse than a date that never ends, and turns into a series of terrible dates, much like the fortunes of Griffin Dunne in Martin Scorsese's AFTER HOURS. My guy was stuck in dating purgatory. But, that is a movie. It can't possibly be that bad in real life, right? Leave it up to some Star Wars fans to prove that wrong...

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About the Podcast

The Pod Charles Cinecast
The official podcast of The Prince Charles Cinema London!
The official podcast of The Prince Charles Cinema in London! Consider this an audio guide to the programme of your favourite independent cinema, as told by the people who help run the place.
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About your host

Profile picture for Jonathan Foster

Jonathan Foster

An American Werewolf in London.

Born and raised in Southern Virginia, Jonathan now calls London home. As a member of the Marketing & PR Team at the Prince Charles Cinema for 6 years, Jonathan began Hosting, Producing, and Editing The Pod Charles Cinecast - a weekly podcast detailing the eclectic programme of London's best independent cinema and lives of the wonderful people who help run the place.

Aside from hosting podcasts, Jonathan is an aspiring voiceover artist and also the founder, lead vocalist, and guitarist of the South East London-based psychedelic garage rock band TALL.